Alfian bin Sa'at
Alfian bin Sa'at (Singapura 18 de Júlio de 1977) scritor muçulmano minang, hakka i jabanés de Singapura, coincido cumo l'anfant terrible de l sou paíç.
eiditarStudou na Tampines Primary Schol, na Raffles Anstitution, i ne l Raffles Junior College. Fui persidente las dues radadeiras anstituiçones. Las sues peças de triato repersentórun-se na Malásia i Singapura. Participou ne l grupo W!LD RICE.
eiditar- Fighting (Luchar)(1994)
- Black Boards, White Walls(1997)
- Yesterday My Classmate Died (1997)
- sex.violence.blood.gore (con Chong Tze Chien) (1999)
- Asian Boys Vol. 1 (Chicos de Asia Vol.1)(2000)
- What's The Difference?(2001)
- Don't Say I Say (2001)
- Poppy dot dream (2001)
- The Corrected Poems of Minah Jambu (2001)
- The Optic Trilogy (2001)
- 7 Ten: Seven Original 10-minute Plays: Not In (2003)
- Landmarks: Asian Boys Vol. 2 (2004)
- Tekka Voices (2004)
- Mengapa Isa? (2004)
- The Importance of Being Kaypoh (2005)
- Harmony Daze (2005)
- Confessions of 300 Unmarried Men: Blush (2006)
- Homesick (2006)
eiditar- Deklamasi Malas (1997)
- Dongeng (1997)
- Anak Bulan di Kampung Wa' Hassan (1998)
- Madu II (1998)
- Causeway (1998)
- The Miseducation of Minah Bukit (2001)
- Tapak 7 (2001)
- Selamat Malam Ibu (2003)
- Keturunan Laksmana Tak Ada Anu (2003)
- Minah & Monyet' (2003)
eiditar- One Fierce Hour (Landmark Books, 1998) ISBN 981-3065-18-4
- A History of Amnesia (Ethos Books, 2001) ISBN 981-04-3704-8
eiditar- Bisik: Antologi Drama Melayu Singapura (Whisper: Anthology of Malay Singaporean Drama) (Pustaka Cipta, 2003)
eiditar- 1995 - Kripalani Award for Outstanding Contribution to Creative Arts
- 1998 - Commendation Award by the Malay Language Council for Causeway
- 1999 - Singapore Literature Prize Commendation Award
- 2001 - Golden Point Award for Poetry
- 2001 - Young Artist Award for Literature
- 2005 - Life! Theatre Awards for Best Script for Landmarks: Asian Boys Vol. 2
- 2006 - FRONT Award